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Welcome to Metamorphosis with MTT 

We want to welcome you to our 3-Day Metamorphosis Intensive Training to start creating the life you want, manifesting love, wealth, health and perfect
expression of self. 

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You Really Can Improve Yourself 

With the Metamorphosis with Meridian Therapy and Tapping (MTT) method you can quickly eliminate stress, fears, limiting beliefs, blocks, PTSD, phobias, addictions and more.
Welcome to a world of freedom where you can manifest your dreams 

During the program, you will learn:

  • How to discover your “Subconscious Blueprints for Love, Money, Health and Career”.

  • How to uncover and eliminate your own blocks, self-sabotage and limiting beliefs for good!

  • How to muscle test yourself and others to figure out what subconscious programming is there.

  • How to check for switching and correct or bypass it if needed.

  • How to do semantic testing effectively.

  • How to formulate the statements correctly for maximum accuracy.

  • How to make sure you cleared a belief.

  • How to install a new positive belief.

  • How to get rid of stress, fears, phobias and addictions.

  • How to truly forgive someone on all levels.

  • How to be grateful and able to see the silver lining in past painful events.

  • How to figure out if you had a Vanishing Twin (VT) and how it has unconsciously affected you on so many levels.

  • How to identify the patterns caused in you if you had a Vanishing Twin and clear them so you can be happy and healthy and free to be you, even though your twin did not make it.

  • How to manifest what you want in life using my method.

What Clients Are Saying

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Dr. Teshna Beaulieu

Dr. Teshna Beaulieu is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic since 1986 and the developer of Meridian Therapy and Tapping. She's also a Certified Practitioner in Quantum Neurology and Neuro-Emotional Technique.
For more than three decades she has helped people heal on physical and emotional levels. Utilizing her cutting-edge techniques, her patients find themselves on the road to vibrant health and able to enjoy their lives.

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